Chronicles of a Keto dieting #1

So the husband has decided to follow the keto diet for some time. Please don't ask me how many days because I truly don't know. To be frank, I see him giving up any day. (Dear husband, please ignore the last sentence if you ever read it).

Keto diet is a dieting technique which according to me is basically not eating anything. Not exactly, but the end result is that. You are supposed to avoid food items which has high carbohydrate or sugar content like grain based food items, most fruits, actual sugar, sweets of any kind etc etc.No chapathi, no rice, no sweets, no fruits, no breads. So what do an Indian eat?

So basically I see a very hungry and obviously short tempered husband walking around the house these days. All he can eat are protein-rich stuffs that are available here in Bangalore. So it is just chicken, eggs and lots of vegetables. Will you believe when I tell that he scouted 3-4 shops nearby to get a bunch of spinach? He was unsuccessful because the recent rains had ruined most of the green leaves around here.

Tandoori Chicken, some kind of frittata, baked chicken with cheese, pomegrenate, avacado, apples, egg omlet - these are the only things that I have seen him eat in the past few days. Let me not mention some of the vanilla cake that went missing the night I baked it for the kids.

I had no idea if I should laugh or cry when I saw him gobble up an avocado in the morning for breakfast. He basically tried to scrap out the avocado with a knife and his inexperience was clearly seen in the end result. When I started laughing he said that he can't waste a bit since he paid a lot of money for that fruit.

So it has been almost a week of keto diet and I am worried about all that high cholesterol food that he is eating in the name of diet. Chunks of cheese, whole eggs. Hope this dieting will not backfire and cause a heart attack. After all, the whole idea of controlling weight is to avoid a heart attack because his father died of that long back.

I will come back in a few days to write more about the keto diet. If you ask me, taking up a ketogenic diet even for a week is an utterly courageous task for anyone. You need to invest a lot of time to plan, purchase items, prep them and cook them before you can actually eat them. This is apart from having a lot of willpower to control that cravings. That is a lot of work.

Anyway best wishes my dear husband. I salute you! I really don't think you will read this post ever or anytime soon, still let this wish be here.
