Marian Consecration Part 2

I didn't realize that I didn't write anything here for few months. In my mind and imagination, I have been writing and posting several different blog posts here on many topics. But the reality sucks big time! And then is someone reading blogs in 2019?

I also have been caught up in the Instagram fever, but then I caught it in 2012. Anyway my introvert style Instagram page has resulted in one good thing - Mother Mary.

I have been a dormant devotee of Mother Mary for years and then Kristin of onehailmaryatatime woke me up slowly, nudging me towards our Holy Mother.

Here I am - doing my second round of 33 days of Marian Consecration and I will re-consecrate myself again on Aug 15th. And the time between the two Consecrations have been absolutely amazing. More about it in another posts.

I just love how Mary has turned around my life and I just hope I never go back away from her. Marian Consecration
