Reading in 2021

I read 50 books in 2020. Here the word 'read' might not be technically correct as I listened to few books using storytel app.

I love to read and was looking forward to reading 50 books in the year 2020...this year also made me realise the binge watching on Netflix, watching endless videos on youtube and watching back to back reels on instagram can be enjoyable too.

The fact that I started an online sewing business in February 2020 also doesn't leave me much time...and finding a time to read when you are couped at home with three brats is really tough too.

But nothing has stopped us from buying more books even when our bookshelf is overflowing with books. We are never satisfied with anything on our shelf and end up buying kindle editions to satite that book craving.

I don't have much expectations or reading goals in 2021 expect to hit the target of finishing 50 books. Hopefully I can finish off those books lying in my currently-reading shelf for ages. But nothing I will go with the flow, and read whatever each day leads me to.
